Precious Loundermon

Year you joined HSH: 2023

Hometown: Inglewood, CA



Why HSH?

I love teaching at HSH because of the immediate sense of community I felt. As a parent and educator, I am doubly lucky to watch my own daughter grow alongside all of the wonderful children here.

What work do you do outside HSH to support our mission?

Outside of HSH, I work with families that are homeschooling, as their goal is to also provide a learning experiences for their children that value childhood.

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I have lived and worked abroad for several years.

#WhoAreYou? #focused

Favorite Movie: I love all military movies but my favorite is Top Gun.

Favorite LA Restaurant: Osteria la Buca

Favorite Karaoke Song: What’s karaoke?

Favorite Sports Team: I support all LA teams and the Buckeyes!