Holly Harper

Year you joined HSH: 2022

Hometown: Charlotte, NC


UNC Chapel Hill, B.A. Art History; San Jose State University, Master of Library and Information Science

Why HSH?

There is a palpable feeling of magic at the Schoolhouse! I love being part of a community that honors childhood and embraces a sense of wonder.

What work do you do outside HSH to support our mission?

I enjoy attending professional development for school librarians so that my program and our collection of library books will remain relevant and interesting for our students. On a more personal level, I embrace my own creativity and sense of wonder through making ceramics in my free time.

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I don't expect our library to be silent and I don't like shushing people.

#WhoAreYOu? #booklover

Favorite Movie: Raising Arizona

Favorite LA Restaurant: Din Tai Fung

Favorite Karaoke Song: "Goodbye Horses" – Q Lazzarus

Favorite Sports Team: HSH Knights