Barbra Taupier

Year you joined HSH: 1992

Hometown: Buffalo, NY


Buffalo State University, B.S.; Education, B.S; Broadcast Journalism

Why HSH?

HSH aligns with my teaching philosophy and allows me the space to teach creatively to the whole child. The strong sense of community and being connected with families past and present brought me to the school and has kept me here for over 30 years.

What work do you do outside HSH to support our mission?

My door is always open for past and present students.

Outside of HSH, I connect with families on my drive home to check in and share student 'glows and grows'. As often as possible, I attend student events like plays, sporting events, art showcases.

Lifelong learning is important. I attend PD's, participate in online trainings, follow educators on social media for creative and innovative ideas and trends, and reach out to peers for support and suggestions.

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I am still close friends with my very first friend that I met when I was three. 55 years strong!

#WhoAreYou? #devotedfriend

Favorite LA Restaurant: Smoke House

Favorite Sports Team: Buffalo Bills